Patuxent River Links in the Spotlight

Check back here regularly to find updates about our chapter's Links in the Spotlight.



Barbara Nance McKee

Link Barbara was honored with the appointment  of Director, International Trends and Services from National President Kimberly Jeffries! 

We are celebrating this exciting opportunity with you and will support you every step of the way! Congratulations again on this well-deserved appointment!




So incredibly proud of our very own Dr. Mekeshia Bates as she represents the Eastern Area of The Links, Incorporated in the launch of First Lady Chirlane McCray’s “Sisters Thrive Initiative!” This effort will honor the commitment to sisterhood, service, and championing mental health in the black community. Mekeshia is featured at minute 55:26 of this 1 hour intro, along with all the sororities and Jack and Jill. 

Congratulations on this amazing opportunity!

Congratulations to our own PARKER MABRY for being selected by the Association of Women in Aerospace as one of the three professional coaches to host/lead the 2018 Women in Aerospace Leadership Development Webinar Series!

These extraordinary and talented women are in store for an amazing experience with our dynamic Link Sister!



- Updated November 2017

Our Shero: Annie "Ann" Everett, our Vice President of Membership, was featured on DC's WUSA Channel 9 as part of their recognition of Survivors during the month of October.  Please click on the link below to read more about Link Ann.   Also, please watch Good Day Washington DC's live show on October 19th to see Ann's interview.


- Updated October 2017

Patuxent River Links are very proud of our own Mekeshia Bates on her recent appointment as the Eastern Area Health and Human Services Facet Co-Chair! She will serve alongside Nicki Martin of the Arlington (VA) Chapter who serves as the EA HHS Chair. In addition to this recent appointment, Mekeshia is still serving in her role as the Eastern Area Mental Health Committee Chair.

Congratulations, Mekeshia! We are so proud of all that you have accomplished within Linkdom and the Eastern Area!


- Updated August 2017

Patuxent River Chapter extends a Big Congratulations to member Luana Dean-Barber, Esq. for being sworn into the United States Supreme Court Bar earlier this month! Luana is especially indebted to our very own Mechelle Johnson-Webb, Esq., who sponsored her in becoming a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar!
Congratulations again! We very proud of your accomplishment!


- Updated June 2017


Sending Big Kudos to our very own PRC member Hollie Bodiford-Taylor for receiving a "Managerial Excellence Award" and an "Excellence in Communication Award" from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Office of Operations.
We know she's excellent! We're happy her workplace knows it too! Congratulations Hollie on your well deserved awards!


- Updated May 2017

Kudos to our sister, Dr. Cheryl Simmons Gray, for being recognized as a Sigma Woman who RHOCKS! Link Cheryl, who is the SGRho Northeast Regional Philo Coordinator, received this recognition in honor of women’s history month. 
Congratulations Link Cheryl on your “Rhock Star” status with Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.! Indeed YOU RHOCK!!



- Updated April 2017

Kudos to our sister, Lt. Mekeshia Bates and Eastern Area Mental Health Chair, who is featured in the United States Public Health Service's "The Nursing Spotlight" for the month of March 2017. In her role as an officer in the Commissioned Corps, she served with dedication and enthusiasm to help advance the health of our nation. Read about her remarkable career with the USPHS.

- Updated March 2017
PRC Link Robin Zeigler will join Cedar Realty as Chief Operating Officer.

The Patuxent River (MD) Links are so very proud of our own  Pam Queen! She has been nominated by the Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee to fill the vacant House of Delegates seat in District 14! Equal pay for women, education, STEM, and helping veterans are just a few areas of her focus. Her swearing-in hearing takes place tomorrow in Annapolis! Congratulations Pam!   - Updated February 2016


PRC Pam Queen Elected Maryland State Delegate
PRC's MeKeshia Bates

Congratulations to Barbara Nance McKee for her appointment as Co- Chair, International Trends & Services Facet for the Eastern Area during the 2015-2017 Operational Year.

- updated July 31, 2015

Congratulations to  Mekeshia Bates for her appointment as Chair, Mental Health Committee for the Eastern Area during the 2015-2017 Operational Year.

- updated July 31, 2015


Congratulations to Cynthia Anderson for receiving the American Heart Association's "Mission Pioneer" Award on June 16, 2015.

Congratulations to Dr. LeShawndra Price who was recently awarded the 2014 American Psychological Association (APA) Meritorious Research Service commendation.

updated: January 2015

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